Shemayet - Ba    CR 10
XP 9,600
Female human ghost bard 9/cleric* (Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 144)
NE Medium undead (augmented humanoid, human, incorporeal)
Init +1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +24


AC 19, touch 19, flat-footed 17 (+7 deflection, +1 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 108 (9d8+72)
Fort +10, Ref +7, Will +10; +4 vs. bardic performance, language-dependent, and sonic
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +4, incorporeal, rejuvenation; Immune undead traits


Speed fly 30 ft. (perfect)
Melee corrupting touch +7 (10d6) or
   2 claws +7 (1d6+1), 2 wings +2 (1d4)
Special Attacks ba weapons, bardic performance 27 rounds/day (move action; countersong, dirge of doom, distraction, fascinate [DC 21], inspire competence +3, inspire courage +2, inspire greatness, suggestion [DC 21]), channel positive energy 8/day (DC 18, 2d6), malevolence (DC 21)
Bard Spells Known (CL 9th; concentration +16)
   3rd (5/day)—dispel magic, mind maze (DC 20), summon pharaonic guardians, vision of hellUM (DC 20)
   2nd (6/day)—darkness, hold person (DC 19), pilfering handUC, silence (DC 19)
   1st (7/day)—cause fear (DC 18), comprehend languages, cure light wounds, shadow trap (DC 18), summon monster I
   0 (at will)—detect magic, light, mending, read magic, resistance, sparkAPG (DC 17)


Str —, Dex 13, Con —, Int 14, Wis 18, Cha 24
Base Atk +6; CMB +7; CMD 25
Feats Dodge, Fast LearnerARG, Medium Armor Proficiency, Mobility, Spring Attack
Skills Diplomacy +19, Fly +19, Heal +6, Intimidate +19, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (nobility) +10, Knowledge (planes) +10, Knowledge (religion) +18, Linguistics +8, Perception +24, Perform (dance) +19, Perform (sing) +19, Sleight of Hand +13, Spellcraft +14, Stealth +21, Swim +2; Racial Modifiers +8 Perception, +8 Stealth, silver-tongued haggler
Languages Ancient Osiriani, Auran, Celestial, Draconic, Ignan, Shory
SQ bardic knowledge +4, domain (tradeAPG), lore master 1/day, versatile performances (dance, sing)
Other Gear 7,800 gp

Special Abilities

Ba Weapons (Su) Gain natural weapons.
Bardic Knowledge +4 (Ex) Add +4 to all knowledge skill checks.
Bardic Performance (move action, 27 rounds/day) Your performances can create magical effects.
Channel Resistance +4 +4 bonus to save vs. Channel Energy.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (8/day, DC 18) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Trade)
Corrupting Touch (DC 21) (Su) Touch does 10d6 damage from aging, ignoring most resistances (Fort half).
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Fly (30 feet, Perfect) You can fly!
Immunity to Ability Drain Immunity to ability drain
Immunity to Bleed You are immune to bleed.
Immunity to Critical Hits You are immune to Critical Hits
Immunity to Death Effects You are immune to death effects.
Immunity to Disease You are immune to diseases.
Immunity to Energy Drain Immune to energy drain
Immunity to Exhausted You are immune to the exhausted condition.
Immunity to Fatigue You are immune to the fatigued condition.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects You are immune to Mind-Affecting effects.
Immunity to Nonlethal Damage You are immune to Nonlethal Damage
Immunity to Paralysis You are immune to paralysis.
Immunity to Physical Ability Damage Immune to ability damage to your physical abilities.
Immunity to Poison You are immune to poison.
Immunity to Precision Damage You are immune to Precision Damage
Immunity to Sleep You are immune to sleep effects.
Immunity to Stunning You are immune to being stunned.
Incorporeal (Ex) You aren't quite here.
Lore Master (1/day) (Ex) Can take 10 on any trained knowledge checks. Activate to take 20 as a standard action.
Malevolence (DC 21) (Su) Magic Jar a creature on the material plane.
Mobility +4 to AC vs. AoO provoked by moving out of or through a threatened area.
Rejuvenation (Su) Ghosts can return after a few days.
Silver-Tongued Haggler (+4, 7/day) (Su) +4 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Sense Motive
Spring Attack You can move - attack - move when attacking with a melee weapon.
Undead Traits Undead have many immunities.
Versatile Performance (Dance) +19 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Dance skill for Acrobatics or Fly checks
Versatile Performance (Singing) +19 (Ex) You may substitute the final value of your Perform: Sing skill for Bluff or Sense Motive checks

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